Depending on your preferences and the trip, you can choose your form of transport: Car with driver / passenger on Motorbike / boat. See pictures below.
Additionally we also rent out cars, motorbikes and scooters for independent travellers. A valid international licence is required for all rented vehicles.
- Kjou Car for 4 people with full AC
- Honda Mega pro 150 cc for two people
- Honda 125cc for two people
- Traditional boat
Accommodation in Flores is usually found in the form of simple guesthouses or hotels. Maumere additionally provides hotels with a slightly higher standard. In Labuan Bajo you will find anything from guesthouses to comfortable and expensive five-stars hotels. Let me know what suits you best.
In the traditional village of Belaraghi you will overnight on a thin mattress on the wooden floor, like the locals. The price of your overnight stay, food and all involved charges and contributions to the village are included in the tour price.
For the camping trip you will be spend the night in a tent for two. Mattresses are provided. The temperatures at night are mild, so a sleeping bag ist not essential. If you prefer sleeping with a cover or sleeping bag, you will have to bring it with you.